Which Toy Trends to Follow – and What to Leave Behind

Americans may be unique in their love of toys. We make entire film franchises based on them and keep our favorite dolls and action figures well into adulthood. Today’s young adults aren’t just holding onto their childhood stuffed animals; they’re purchasing new ones for themselves.

With all this attention on playthings, it can be even harder to know which ones to consider buying for your little ones and which trends to leave behind. Especially if your kid sees an ad or a popular toy at a friend’s house. Good luck convincing them that you have better ideas in mind.

Your job as the chooser of toys or designer of household play areas will be easier if you narrow your focus to certain types and values. Doing so will immediately eliminate 90% of what is available on shelves. You can skip those aisles altogether and your toddler will be none the wiser!

Keep: Classic, Healthy and Well-Made Toys

There are more than enough toy options that are wholesome, healthy and environmentally conscious, yet will also appeal to busy babies and curious toddlers. In fact, classic toy styles are making a comeback. But that doesn’t mean getting the exact item or brand your mom had. Newer brands are also producing options that harken back to those beloved toy styles of yore.

Just three examples:

Take with Me Farm (age 3+)

This toy made of kid-friendly materials conjures memories of the past, only it is made with healthfulness for small children and the environment in mind. It comes with over a dozen miniature wooden parts that include animals, farmers, vehicles, bales of hay and fencing.

Rolling Along Square Chair (5+ months)

Remember those treacherous plastic rolling baby chairs of your youth? We do. This squishy take on mobile baby furniture comes with a restraint and a soft, embroidered, interactive tray. As baby gets older, convert it into a comfy armchair.

Toys Encouraging Movement

Some of these concepts have been around since your grandparents were little. The nice thing about the newer designs is that they combine the best of both worlds. They bring endless fun and physical play but are more modern and better made than some of their counterparts.

Better for the Environment

Toys that are either educational or appeal to nostalgia aren’t just good for kids. They’re often better for the planet. Most of today’s toys are made of plastic, making them hard on the environment. This is leading parents to demand more conscientious choices – and companies are smart to listen.

Reconsider: Risky, Un-Environmental or Not in Line with Your Values

What to leave behind? Well, that’s up to you. Toys are meant to be fun, after all, and everyone has their own tastes. That said, some parents are keeping an eye on these three areas:

Big Toy

No, not big toys. Everyone likes those! But “big toy” – the industry names so ubiquitous that even adults can’t escape their tie-ins to TV shows, movies and plastic plates.

There’s nothing wrong with following a trend you happen to love. Some kids – and heck, some parents – can’t resist a Barbie doll or Transformer. Others prefer something less known. But it can be a challenge taking the road less traveled when some toymakers now have deals with Netflix.

If you want your kid transformed to a world all their own – and to take them away from screens, not toward them – explore sources that focus solely on making wholesome, original toys.

Small, Dangerous Parts or Materials

Many highly popular toys come with lots of small parts. It’s one reason kids like them. The problem is, toys that appeal to smaller children often are often coated in chemicals or come with pieces you wouldn’t want in your child’s mouth, let alone down their gullet.

Unhealthy Hand-Me-Downs

Who hasn’t fallen into this trap? You keep your older child’s play things without realizing those sharp edges, torn seams or loose parts could easily get into the wrong hands, ears or mouths.

Wonder & Wise Combines New Ideas with Healthy, Educational Choices

Wonder & Wise offers up countless active play toys, play homes, learning toys, complex playspaces, options for babies, and more. There is truly something for everyone.

Check out our hundreds of products online, or find our goods in a retail store near you. Reach out with questions!