Adults make health-related new year’s resolutions all the time. Why not focus on the kiddos, as well? Swearing off unhealthy influences is perhaps the best change you can make for a young child. Better yet, do so while they’re small enough that you have some power to influence what they do. No, we’re not talking about baby gym memberships (although, how adorable would that be?). Adults simply need to be mindful of the quality of products that will end up in the clutches of the littlest hands.
Monitoring the physical materials you provide is just one way to measure well-being. How we encourage children to play is an equally important consideration for anyone who would like to create a healthier environment for their child this year.
Step 1: Research Brands with Good Reputations
Do you go out of your way to find toy brands with a good reputation for safety and sustainability? Make a point of avoiding companies that might use harmful chemicals such as PVC and BPA, and instead look for ones that provide detailed information about the materials and testing processes they use.
- Check Standards – Designations such as ASTM963 means it meets international standards for materials and products.
- Safety Certifications – Make sure the product meets established safety standards.
- Are Goods Tested? – Wonder & Wise uses globally accredited labs for products.
You want to purchase from brands that guarantee you are getting lab-tested, pure and hazard-free products that help kids develop mentally and physically through active play.
Step 2: View Toys as Learning Experiences
Healthy play doesn’t begin and end with determining what to avoid. It means selecting toys that are designed intentionally to encourage learning experiences. Toys that are very loud or rely heavily on flashing lights or repetitive sounds may overwhelm babies and toddlers, affecting their attention span and sensory development. In many cases, excessive noise can also be harmful to a child’s hearing.
To get the ball rolling (pun intended), parents can look for specific types of toys that have potential to create experiences for their little ones. Playing with them should be fun, but this way you know your child is developing the kinds of skills and abilities that we adults tend to take for granted:
- Creativity
- Responsibility
- Exploratory skills
- Sharing
- Independence
Step 3: Get Back to Basics
Toys that don’t rely on electronics are often a better choice for young children, as they encourage curiosity, creativity, and physical activity. Examples include simple puzzles, stacking toys, pretend play sets like wooden activity tables and arts and crafts sets. While creating different shapes and dimensions with the parts, your budding engineer or artist is weaving whole, unique little worlds built on their imaginations alone. Notice what sparks your kid’s curiosity and then provide them with the tools for making those new discoveries.
Step 4: Buy Toy Products That Guarantee a Healthy Playing Environment
Finally, focus on quality over quantity. Choose a few high-quality toys rather than a large number of inexpensive ones that will merely create more clutter. This mindset also helps ensure the toys you do buy will be durable and safe. It helps to rely on brands that design toys that are developmentally suitable for specific age groups, taking into account their cognitive, physical, and emotional needs. It’s why soft, sensory-rich toys are great for infants, while different varieties of building blocks can be an excellent choice for toddlers.
Step 5: Explore the Many Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic Play Options at Wonder & Wise
Want to be sure your wee one isn’t ingesting any toxins at play time? Having built a reputation on the health and safety of its products, Wonder & Wise only uses non-toxic, water-based paint on painted and stained toys. We comply with and exceed all global safety standards and test our products using globally accredited labs that meet or exceed U.S. federal regulations.
Visit Wonder & Wise online to make healthy purchases for your kids throughout the year!